The Hands

Slowly, very slowly, The Hands disobey
Her brain and start their trek.
Down my chest they walk.  Momentary hesitations.
They stop.  NO!! Ok, it’s just a pause to explore
My hardened nipples.  Phew! Close!
Down to my belly button.  Lightly touching.
Then outside the walls of Babylon, they suddenly
Encounter resistance.  Damn it! My belt!
Would the walking stop? Suddenly awake and aware?
I breathe a sigh of disappointment.  But wait!
The Hands fumble with the latch to the
Gate.  Aah! My belt is undone!
Brain to hands come in please. Brain to hands.
Please cease and desist immediately!
Too late.  All connection is lost.  We have a rogue!
With a mind of their own, The Hands rip off
My pants.  Grope for the contents of my whities…
Heart pounding in my chest in expectation.
Yes! Finally!  Then she whispers.
Wake up honey! You are having a dream!

Note:  I just found out today that April is National Poetry Writing Month.  I am not sure if I am still eligible to enter as it is already the 2nd but that’s my entry for today.  I used a suggested prompt and started my poem using the first word from the poem, Silver.

Read also:

A Poem A Day

A Poem A Day

A poem a day is what they say
And I of course replied, No Way!
Very grateful that you asked.
But it’s such an impossible task.
And seriously, how many times
Can I reuse the same old rhymes?
You will be quickly bored with me
And my tired old poetry.

A poem a day, they still insist
And I of course granted their wish.
I am honored that you asked.
For me it’s just a simple task.
For in my head are poems galore.
As if I had a poetry store.
A poem a day? A piece of cake.
I’ll do it gladly for my readers’ sake

Written by the author.  March 20. 2013